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Robert Bekkers

Dutch Guitarist in America

My new website

I have been talking about revamping my website for quite awhile now. It’s one of those things that’s more easily said than done.

Through my website, I want to give an impression of who I am, what my music is about, and how I can be reached.

After grappling with iWeb which worked for me back in the Netherlands, I decided it’s time to give in to the standard templates of WordPress. If the template I choose becomes out of date, I can easily install another plug-in and voila!everything changes without losing the content.

Next step is figuring out what is really important.

Teaching, performing, arranging, publishing, and sharing music. Letting my guitar take me around the world. Meeting interesting people. Getting feedback.

Do I need to spell out every detail in my life? A website is like Chinese dim sum or Spanish tapas — a little bit of everything, leaving you wanting more. I certainly hope this website will be self-servicing. In other words, I can join the ranks of those who say, “It’s on my website.”

Most of the site will remain static —- my past. However, I do expect to update the News, Events, and Repertoire pages from time to time.


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